Nov. 5th 2006- The nightmare begins. This is the night
that started it all as her attacker broke into her home and brutally attacked her. In the end he died.
Dec. 8th - The vicitm went to court against DFCS. The court awarded her custody
based on her having a stable home and her passing a psych evaluation.
Dec 15th 2006- the victim was informed that her index finger needed to be amputated.
It hasn't healed and infection has set up around the pin. The doctor removed a pin and put a splint to buy time until she
can get some kind of medical assistance.
Dec. 22 (only days before Christmas)- The victim
was informed by Cherokee county Family Violence Apartment manager that they were considering past credit issues on her application
for the violence center's apartment complex she has been planning to live in. They informed her that her case worker had said
she owed money to section 8. However the victim has never used section 8. I may be wrong but I believe that regulations
for funding and grants for this organization clearly state that violence does not know income and people cannot be denied
on grounds of income or past credit history. Also, the manager stated that she was unaware of her 18 year old daughter and
that she to would need to fill out an application. This will delay it even more.

Jan. 4, 2007.....Happy New Year. The victim
was informed today that she has been approved for her apartment. Now she must wait for section 8 briefing? Not sure what that
is but I hope it will not take long. She is very excited and hopes this will be the beginning of the end of her nightmare.
JANUARY 28 2007- Sue and her family have been reunited and
have moved in to there new apartment at the Cherokee Family Violence center.
April 20, 2007- Sue's story is aired on the Montel Williams
November 8th 2007- An update on Sue's
life now. Sue's story is soon to be shared with the UK. The case is closed with DFACS and with the Sheriffs department. Sue
is trying still to put together her life again. After her story aired on the Montal Williams Show an Atlanta Surgoen attempted
to save her finger. It was not possible and so instead of amputating it they just removed the bone. Sue has returned to working.
She is slightly challenged with her hands but she is recovering very well. Please continue to pray for Sue and her family.
It has been a year now and for her and her daughter it still seems like yesterday.
Also coming soon..Bad doggy?? Stay tuned for

You won't like me when I am angry...grrrrr!
Please send us any questions or comments.
We would love to hear from you.